Airspeed Calibration

09 Nov 2019 Airspeed Calibration

There is a cool technique to calibrate the ASI. Stolen from here:

Just takes a bit of rubber tubing, a clear bottle, and a ruler. Essentially you hook it up like shown below, measure the speed on the ASI, measure the delta between the top of the water and the amount of water that goes into the clear tube, and then use this simple calculation to see what your ASI should be:

Speed in km/h = sqrt(h in mm) * 14.4

Note that the ASI indicates about 65 knots
The ruler is in the bottom – it’s a ruler in inches
The water has gone into the tube up to about 2.38 inches
The top level of the water is about 5.14 inches
=2.76 * 25.470.11mm
=14.4 * sqrt(70.11)120.57km/h

Looks like the ASI is reading correctly – calculations showed it would be about 65 knots and that’s what I saw – the margin of error here is probably plus or minus a few %.

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