Model 4000/6000 Serial Data List All data is transmitted at 9600 baud, one stop bit, no parity. The first 3 bytes are a header that is unique, and will not show up in the data stream. All 2 byte data is listed with an "H" and an "L" following the name of the data. To combine these two bytes into the result, multiply the high word by 256 and add the low word to the result. All data is scaled with the least significant bit = 1 unless noted. All data is unsigned unless noted. $FE ; Header word #1 (Decimal 254) $FF ; Header word #2 (Decimal 255) $FE ; Header word #3 (Decimal 254) TACHH ; Tachometer - Resolution = 1 TACHL CHT1H ; CHT and EGT follow all have CHT1L ; a resolution of 1 deg CHT2H CHT2L CHT3H CHT3L CHT4H CHT4L CHT5H CHT5L CHT6H CHT6L EGT1H EGT1L EGT2H EGT2L EGT3H EGT3L EGT4H EGT4L EGT5H EGT5L EGT6H EGT6L AUX5H ; Auxiliary 5 AUX5L ; AUX6H ; Auxiliary 6 AUX6L ; ASPDH ; Airspeed (units are the same as displayed on the EIS) ASPDL ; ALTH ; Alitiude in feet ALTL VOLTH ; resolution of 0.1 Volts VOLTL FUELFH ; Fuel Flow (Gallons/Hour) resolution of 0.1 gallons/hour FUELFL ; UNIT ; Internal Insturment temperature CARB ; 2's compliment ROCSGN ; Vertical speed - 100 fpm resolution 2's compliment OATH ; 2's compliment - there is no low word OILTH ; Oil Temperature OILTL OILP AUX1H ; Auxiliary 1 AUX1L AUX2H ; Auxiliary 2 AUX2L AUX3H ; Auxiliary 3 AUX3L AUX4H ; Auxiliary 4 AUX4L COOLH ; Coolant Temperature COOLL ETIH ; Hourmeter - Resolution = 0.1 hours ETIL ; QTYH ; Fuel Quantity (fuel flow totalizer) Resolution = 0.1 gallons QTYL HRS ; Flight timer hours MIN ; Flight timer seconds SEC ; Flight timer seconds ENDHRS ; Fuel FLow time until empty - Hours ENDMIN ; Fuel FLow time until empty - Minutes BAROH ; Baroset in In HG - Resolution 0.01 BAROL ; MAGHDH ; Magnetic Heading - Hi word MAGHDL ; Magnetic Heading - Lo word -resolution 0.1 degrees SPARE ; Reserved. Checksum (data summed and result complimented) is transmit here - 1 word. The checksum does not include the header, but does include the "SPARE" word. The checksum is a single, 8-bit word.