27 Feb 2022 First oil change with K&P cleanable filter
2022-02-26: The K&P filter after about 25 hours of usage. I ran 4 tanks of 100LL during this period, which is very unusual for me. Usually I run Total UL91. The oil seemed a bit blacker than normal, I guess due to the lead in suspension in the oil.
The filter captures some particles, and they seemed to be something like carbon – they were very easy to crush in my fingertips, and turned to dust when pinched. They are very visible in the photos. Nothing on the magnet, and no other metal that I can detect.
I cleaned the filter with about a half can of brake fluid – thankfully I can get this pretty cheap in France, but I might find another way to clean it – was thinking about either the dishwasher or a ultrasonic cleaner.
I have two filters, so when I change I can just swap to the clean one and continue with the oil change, and clean the other filter at my leisure. This is much easier than cutting open a paper filter. Seems like a good system so far!

Installation information here: http://www.rv8.ch/kp-engineering-stainless-steel-cleanable-oil-filter/
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