09 Jan 2022 K&P Engineering Stainless Steel Cleanable Oil Filter
I read that these stainless steel filters are better than the normal paper elements in the Champion, Tempest, and other oil filter brands. They are pretty expensive, but will pay for themselves after about 7-10 changes, depending on the paper filter replaced. My Champion filters were costing me about $25 and this one cost me about $169. The filters have recently gone up to $33.50 and availability is limited. Seemed like a good time to test this stainless steel cleanable oil filter.
The main thing I like about this is that I will be able to clean the filter element and inspect it for anything unusual without cutting open the used filter, or cutting apart the paper filter element. That is a hassle I will be happy to avoid.

This looks like a very high quality product. I’ll update after the next oil change to report how easy it was to get it off, and clean the filter. Since I have two filter elements, I will be able to do a quick oil change and clean and inspect the other filter later, like I do today with the paper filters.
Update here: http://www.rv8.ch/first-oil-change-with-kp-cleanable-filter/
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