03 May 2004 Rear Seat
Getting the rear seat/baggage area door done was not too difficult. I got sent two left sides instead of a left and right, and after that got straightened out, it was just a matter of...
HB-YMM Experimental Homebuilt Van’s Aircraft RV-8
Update 20210918: I didn't install the Eggenfellner Subaru engine, so any post that references that can be ignored or used as a cautionary tale about how to avoid wasting many years and $50k. Had I...
Very useful tip I just found on the Yahoo Groups RV4list: I believe this has been written up many times before but for those of you that haven't gone down the path of trying to rig...
Rivnuts are potential replacements for platenuts or nutplates, as they are sometimes called. I bought a boat load of rivnuts of every size and shape I could find, hoping that I could use them in...
It's been recommended to use special "eyeballs" like these when penetrating the firewall. This is a page from the Avery Tools catalog. Click on the image for a larger version. Update: 20210918 - strongly recommend using...
The Eggenfellner subaru engine has only one ECM. This will seem very strange to folks used to the dual ignition systems of conventional aviation engines. These auto ignitions are pretty reliable, from what I hear....
From Scott B: For those of you who are building and want a perfect canopy skirt fit, don't forget, liquid shim, which is epoxy with flox to a thick paste. Mask off the fuse apply the...
I ordered the landing gear for my RV8 from Grove Aircraft because they are lighter, they are aerodynamic, eliminating the need for fairings, and they include the brake "line" inside the gear. They cost a bit...
Just a short note to say that I have upgraded my Geeklog software. It seems to work fine, but if you see any problems, please let me know! Thanks, Mickey...
A fellow named Ray Parker designed and built these rear seat brakes and pedal. Looks pretty interesting. Esten Spears was kind enough to share these photos with us. Click on the pictures to make them bigger. I...
I'm not sure I will need it, but I've seen several builders cut an instrument panel access port in the forward baggage area. There are many that have done this, but I have not yet...
From: "Danny King" ...
Here's the problem - I didn't follow Van's excellent advice and carefully look where I will be drilling from *both* sides. The result is that one angle bar was not as long as it was...
One of the most interesting sites I have read lately is here - CollisionAvoidance.org. There is a ton of information about how our existing ATC systems work, how they will (not) work in the coming...
--> RV-List message posted by: "David Carter" I signed up on the Freight Quote website last night ( www.freightquote.com ) and entered the 320# wt and 97"X48"X28" of my RV-6 Finish Kit, used "Freight class of 150 (whatever...
From the Matronics RV-List: I'm sure randy will have a great deal on the titanium Eye Bolts when he makes them, but if you are in a hurry for some, mcmaster.com has them for $30.22 each....
The pushrod ends need drilling to attach the necessary hardware. Here are a couple of pictures that show the drilling of the big fat elevator pushrod that goes in the rear. Can't recall F-number right...
Probably not news to anyone, but just in case, I'd like to point out three very useful tools. There are dozens of required tools needed to build the RV, and most are purchased from a...
I bought some of the famed Jon Johanson seats for my RV from a fellow in Florida that decided he didn't want to use them. Since much of the cost of these seats is shipping...
Not much to this article, just one of those photos that prove that I was actually involved in the construction of the airplane! :-) The C-frame for dimpling is a pretty useful tool, but for people...
Update 20210918: There is a SB for the flap actuator from Van's: SB 07-4-12 The way I did this worked out fine. Only additional suggestion is to ensure enough space around the edges of the floor...
I bought a combination air filter, oiler, and pressure regulator on my last trip to the US, but I had not yet installed it. I thought I was going to need to drive some rivets...
The primer finally showed up. I ordered it from Holland, since there was no one in Switzerland that could sell me all three, primer, hardener, and thinner in less than a 55 gallon drum. The...
Preparing the side consoles was pretty fun. Lots of holes to drill, and a couple of parts to make. I finished the right side, but not the left. The right was a bit tricky, since...
Subject: Re: RV8-List: Extra part, HELP --> RV8-List message posted by: Jim Daniels > I am building an RV-8, installing engine and canopy, finish stuff. > In a box I found the fuselage gusset bag with...