02 Oct 2021 Two spot welding failures
I recently had the second failure of something that was "spot welded". Below you can see a heat shield that used spot welding to attach the fastening bracket, and it failed. I found...
HB-YMM Experimental Homebuilt Van’s Aircraft RV-8
I recently had the second failure of something that was "spot welded". Below you can see a heat shield that used spot welding to attach the fastening bracket, and it failed. I found...
New Intake TubesHad to cut and weld them.Nice new clampsA little rougher here than I would have liked...
Some photos of a heat shield I added to the exhaust near the exit. That area was very hot, and starting to discolor the inside of the cowl. I also added high heat...
This is the photo gallery of my snorkel project. I needed to modify the snorkel that came with the kit or make a new one. I chose the latter. It turned out...
I've got one cylinder that has low EGT at idle, and one possible cause is a clogged injector or low flow to the cylinder at idle. I checked the flow as recommended by Airflow...
I want a fire extinguisher in my aircraft "just in case". I have no illusion that a serious inflight fire can be put out with this little guy, but perhaps a smaller cockpit fire...
Extract from the official register. Cool! ...
Pass! Axel from Mecanair http://www.mecanair.ch/ came over today to do the transponder test. He had to do it twice, as I apparently had not properly programmed the Trig Avionics TT21 - my bad! ...
Updated: 20220306 - I changed my stock tires for slightly larger 380x150-5 tires. Got them from Aircraft Spruce, $179, "06-01434 MICHELIN AIR TIRE 380X150-5 6PLY 070-554-0" They fit on the same wheel, use the...
Karl performing the W&B An important part of the process for every aircraft is to get an accurate weight on each wheel, which then allows you to calculate the W&B. Karl came and did this...
View of the installed manifold pressure hose splitting off to go to the PMAGS and then into the cockpit for the GRT Manifold Pressure sensor Cute metal T for the manifold pressure hose - I believe...
I want to break in the engine on the ground and it's recommended to use a cooling shroud to keep the temperatures under control. I needed some sheet metal, and didn't want to dip...
All went fine. Beautiful cold, windy day. I pulled the prop through by hand without plugs in the bottom, then ran the starter without plugs until the oil pressure came up. Put...
Results of the fuel injector flow test - looks about right, but I will tune this more after I get flying. ...
The left upper intersection gear fairing installed perfectly. I used some tips from VAF to put in two #6 nutplates and used #6 countersunk screws. Looks great! The right one didn't fit...
Not gonna lie - the empennage fairing turned out much better than I expected. Probably don't need 1000 screws like the plans say, but I didn't know that when I was doing that part...
The EI Commander monitors and can allow the pmags to be programmed. I originally set it to the following parameters. RPM max:2816 ADV max: 33.6 (don't use this value, see below, use 32.2) ADV shf: -1.4 Instructions on the...
If you think that mufflers are simple, have a look at this work from an amazing craftsman in Germany! View from straight on, showing that the mufflers are not in the airflow, but shadowed by the...
There is a cool technique to calibrate the ASI. Stolen from here: http://francis.guilbault.pagesperso-orange.fr/indicateur%20de%20vitesse.htm Just takes a bit of rubber tubing, a clear bottle, and a ruler. Essentially you hook it up like shown...
Filling up the right brake line from the bottom. Added a hose to the reservoir at the top, and it overflows into a brake fluid can. I just pump with the oil can...
I installed the Bell tailwheel. It was a very easy upgrade. It probably took longer to figure out how to jack up the tail than to install it. I was surprised how much weight is...
Here are some pictures before the "final" inspections. ...