01 Oct 2003 Windscreen fiberglassing tips
dkerns91 wrote: Fellows, I am getting ready to start my windscreen fiberglassing. I feel a little intimidated but I know I can do it. I am ordering my materials from Wicks. I went to a boat...
HB-YMM Experimental Homebuilt Van’s Aircraft RV-8
dkerns91 wrote: Fellows, I am getting ready to start my windscreen fiberglassing. I feel a little intimidated but I know I can do it. I am ordering my materials from Wicks. I went to a boat...
Here's a weird one - flew through some rough weather last month in the Midwest and now I can see tiny droplets of water covering the inside face of my ASI. Guess I should remove...
RV-8 Airfoiled Lightweight Gear Airfoil Shaped For Low Drag Same Specifications As Our Standard RV-8 Gear Save 11 lbs. Over Stock Gear Material: 7075-T651 Weight: 15.0 lbs Per Leg Axle Type: Cleveland 500x5 P/N 1219-1 Price:...
I thought I'd offer some insight for those of you who are interested in saving weight on your paint job. I have learned (again, the hard way) that for a given color, certain paint brands cover (or...
A builder experienced control problems, caused by jam nuts loosening. Another builder offers a pretty good solution. Date: Jun 08, 2000 ...
I guess a better question might be "Are airplane engines safe in airplanes?" After reading NTSB accident reports for RV8 aircraft, I was pretty surprised by the number of engine failures. The most scary is...
A very profound statement from Thomas Jefferson about the sharing of ideas. I believe the truth behind this is what motivates people to create websites like RV8.ch! "If nature has made any one thing less...
A short note from the net about how to rivet the canopy. Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 01:05:23 EDT From: shiprv8@aol.com Subject: Re: Canopy keeper rivets I agree with Scott re stress ...
Blue Mountain EFIS/One is a really nice system. 10.4 inch screen, combines all instruments, about 15,000 USD - Ouch!...
Picked off the RV8 list, a strong sealer for sealing between the canopy and the fairing....
A short introduction to the RV8 from Van's aircraft. Danny King's "Beautiful Doll" Information about Van's Aircraft RV8 can be found here. http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/rv-8int.htm I chose this plane because I want a tandem, not a side by side...
I've decided on the location for the ELT unit - on the top shelf of the rear baggage compartment. Quite a simple installation, so not too many photos. This will make the routing of the...