08 Oct 2019 Canopy skirt interference
The fit was perfect before paint but I somehow forgot that paint adds thickness. Duh! I need to figure out how to add some space for the canopy skirt. ...
HB-YMM Experimental Homebuilt Van’s Aircraft RV-8
The fit was perfect before paint but I somehow forgot that paint adds thickness. Duh! I need to figure out how to add some space for the canopy skirt. ...
Some photos to show what's inside the wingtips. I have the flyleds kit and a simple halogen landing/wigwag in each tip. On the right wing I have the AOA plumbing. In the left I have the GRT...
Looking cool. Really turned out nice. The guys that painted my aircraft are masters! ...
The airplane is now in the hangar. I'm happy. The RV8 in the truck with Craig who moved it from the south of France with care! Got it out of the truck somehow - only one real...
I put together a quick and dirty VR flight simulator. I used the following components: Joule Performance eSports Ti which has a Nvidia RTX 2080 TI, a Playseat Air Force seat, Oculus Rift...
The aircraft is now painted. It was done by https://www.aerostyll.com/en in the south of France. Looks fantastic - now I just need to find a hangar to do the final assembly! ...
After crawling around warbirds at Oshkosh the last few years, I decided to not worry about my RV8 having some parts with a bit of a practical finish. I'm not trying to hide rivets and...
The side panels are riveted on so I needed access in case I wanted to run some additional wires. The left was simpler than the right. ...
The EFIS has a USB port in the back so I installed this adapter to get to it easier for code and database updates....
Nice little device. I bought two, one for the passenger and one for me. It does charge at the 2.1A (5v) level, and will keep an active ipad charged. I accidentally pulled it apart when removing one...
http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=164655 If you have a chronic nose seal weep that leaks between the seal and the shaft a good remedy is to helix the shaft per CM sb M74-6. Its not a Lycoming SB but the theory...
The panel is in. Smoke test successful. Builder happy. Some panel pictures ...
The wiring is almost complete, so I wanted to get just a couple of pictures of the details. Below you can see examples of a butt splice with a metal collar crimped to a resistor and...
Created the two harnesses - took about a full day each. Lots of details to take care of. Had to pull the headset jacks because I couldn't remember how they were wired. All good now, ready for...
3m 1080 flat black vinyl wrap stuck to the glareshield. I had tried to paint it twice with heat resistant radiator paint but it was a bit glossy and not smooth. The film looks great and...
The EIS seems to like 4.8 volts going to its probes and i have 5 that need this so I decided to make a little bus to make it cleaner than a bunch of splices. I...
This is all that's left to do! :) Actually a lot is done. Just need to finish the EFIS, radio, transponder, and connect the panel to the aircraft....
Just installed this little flap relay board. I could have gotten away without it but I decided to remove the flap motor controller to simplify but I still wanted a switch on the stick. The...
Here is a comparison between the "Standard" bracket, and the one I used. I made it longer so that it would be easy to remove the bolts. Got the pitch servo installed. Looks good. Slight deviation...
Installed the mounts for the Trig radio and transponder. ...
Third time I've had to do this. I hope this one will do the job for a while! ...
Got the panel - looks good. CAD and cut by Bill at Up North Aviation. Great job, Bill! [video src="http://www.rv8.ch/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/3efe5681-6431-428d-bd75-2bf66c478aaf.mp4" ]...
This is the roll servo install in the right wing. The GRT kit seems to be designed for the RV4 and needed a bit of fiddling. Looking at the instructions for the Dynon kit, which...
Just some photos of I believe the final configuration of my battery solenoid. I have the battery bus cable in there along with the cable connecting the always hot side to the switch with a...
Decided to install the top plugs and adapters. Using "auto" plugs which seem to give better performance and are recommended by emagair. Not to mention they are a lot cheaper so I can change...