06 Jul 2008 Some European Airspace Classifications
Here is an image of some European Airspace Classifications ...
HB-YMM Experimental Homebuilt Van’s Aircraft RV-8
Here is an image of some European Airspace Classifications ...
Just a quick couple of pictures to show the current status. ...
Update: 20210918 I ended up removing the Eggenfellner Subaru engine and replacing it with a Lycoming. Any post that references the Eggenfellner or the Subaru should be there only as an example of what not...
The Oil Pickup screen in the engine must be checked and cleaned regularly. Your Lycoming O-360 Operators Manual tells you to clean the screen every 100 hrs in Section 8. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?p=222246 http://www.avweb.com/news/savvyaviator/savvy_aviator_57_making_metal_197700-1.html Here are the critical bits of info: Screen,...
This is a continuation of this article: http://www.rv8.ch/article.php?story=20050902213147833 Here are some detailed shots of the rudder bottom attach strips. ...
I regularly listen to a podcast from Australia's ABC Radio National called Occam's Razor. One particular episode, featuring Professor Emeritus Duncan Brown from the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong, has stuck in my...
I had my panel laser cut by a guy in Idaho recommended by the epanelbuilder.com website. I believe the price was pretty good, around USD 100. The problem is that the laser seems to do...
This is part two of the battery rack in the tail story. When I went to put in the baggage floors and sides, which go in front of and on top of the area where...
Just getting started with the installation of the Trio Avionics EZ-1/EZ-2/EZ-3 altitude hold servo. http://www.trioavionics.com/ The reason I listed all three current models because I don't yet know which version I plan to use. I...
Update: 20210918 I ended up removing the Eggenfellner Subaru engine and replacing it with a Lycoming. Any post that references the Eggenfellner or the Subaru should be there only as an example of what not...
Here are some pictures of the andair fuel valve installation. Nothing fancy. It is actually rather tricky to get all the plumbing in there, since bending the aluminum tubing precisely is not that easy.Here's more information...
Update 20210918: I didn't install the Eggenfellner Subaru engine, so any post that references that can be ignored or used as a cautionary tale about how to avoid wasting many years and $50k. Here's a photo...
There have been many brake fires on RVs and other aircraft. These are usually caused by the type of brake fluid used in many aircraft. The most common fluid is MIL 5056, which has a...
This is a short article on wiring the ND alternator. ...
Here are some pictures of a relief tube setup on a local RV4. This aircraft was flown from Texas to Switzerland, and this configuration got a lot of use for both a male and female pilot....
Update: 20210918 I ended up removing the Eggenfellner Subaru engine and replacing it with a Lycoming. Any post that references the Eggenfellner or the Subaru should be there only as an example of what not...
I ordered a couple of standard "cigar lighter" connections to provide power for cell phones, ipods, and other portable devices, but I recently found a better system called "powerlet". http://www.powerletproducts.com/ These are used all over the...
The intake air temperature sensor was mounted in the right radiator shroud, but needed to be moved to the intake just after the intercooler. This is so that the correct intake temperature is measured. The move...
Great comments from test pilot and RV8 builder Kevin Horton: 1.3 Vs works well on larger aircraft, where 30% of stall speed is a fairly large number. But on a smaller aircraft, 30% of stall speed might not...
Here's what I want to do with the wig-wag module. I'd like to have an on/off switch for the landing lights on solid, and an on/off switch for the wig-wag. I want to just jumper...
Update 20210918: I didn't install the Eggenfellner Subaru engine, so any post that references that can be ignored or used as a cautionary tale about how to avoid wasting many years and $50k. I replaced...
This is one of the most lucid descriptions of how an alternator works that I have read. From one of the resident electricity wranglers on the AeroElectric Connection Matronics List, Brian "Brain" Lloyd. If you go...
This is just a simple Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can print out to use to maintain your aircraft weight and balance information. Excel Format: http://www.rv8.ch/files/AircraftWeightAndBalanceRecord.xls PDF Format: http://www.rv8.ch/files/AircraftWeightAndBalanceRecord.pdf...
Question: Where is the source for a 40" MB coax antenna? All I find in the Connection is a 75" length for a quarter wave balun. Answer: Antennas don't necessarily need to be resonant and/or efficient. If you...
The tailwheel on a Van's RV works great, but requires regular maintenance. There have been several stories of people having the tailwheel not lock properly, and this is usually caused by lack of lubrication of...