12 Oct 2019 First pictures after completion
Here are some pictures before the "final" inspections. ...
Here are some pictures before the "final" inspections. ...
The airplane is now in the hangar. I'm happy. The RV8 in the truck with Craig who moved it from the south of France with care! Got it out of the truck somehow - only one real...
I'm upgrading Geeklog, and moving from my own server to a "shared" server platform. Update: 2005.11.17 - switch over to the new host has been completed....
I did see a few really cool things at Oshkosh 2005. It was my first trip there, and I have to say it was really good. Here is some stuff that I saw that I liked:...
Here I am trying to get some of Bruce's mojo to rub off on me! ...
I went for a little shopping trip to Austin last week, and I was able to get all this junk in my two bags, and keep them both just barely under the 70 pound limit...
I just activated the RSS/RDF/XML feed. The URL is http://www.rv8.ch/index.rdf...
Just a short note to say that I have upgraded my Geeklog software. It seems to work fine, but if you see any problems, please let me know! Thanks, Mickey...
Just upgraded Geeklog to 1.3.8-1sr2. I would hate to be a "regular" user of GL and have to be able to figure this out. Of course, someone with almost 20 years of unix experience, like...
Picked off the RV8 list, a strong sealer for sealing between the canopy and the fairing....
A short introduction to the RV8 from Van's aircraft. Danny King's "Beautiful Doll" Information about Van's Aircraft RV8 can be found here. http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/rv-8int.htm I chose this plane because I want a tandem, not a side by side...